Forestry Consultancy

Providing advice to inform your decisions and services to help you get the most from your woodland.
H W Forestry is an independent company who only work for the woodland owner.

We work hard to maintain excellent working relationships across both the timber and the contracting sectors, our focus is serving our clients’ interests.
Our forestry consultancy services
We have extensive experience in the management of commercial woodlands of all sizes as well as traditional estates and farm woodlands. We can help you with every stage of ownership, from advice on prospective purchase, producing management plans and preparing budgets for any time frame you require and obtaining all consents necessary to take your plans forward.

Throughout the year we measure, value and sell timber on behalf of our clients, almost always by open market tender. Thereafter, we supervise the harvesting to ensure the highest standards are maintained on site and our clients interests are protected. We can organise and supervise; woodland infrastructure works, ground preparation, restocking and the maintenance of the young trees.

We tailor our management service to our clients requirements. Many clients require a full management service from us as they are not able to commit the time they would like to their woodland due to their competing priorities. Other clients are hands on woodland owners, who use our services on a project by project basis.

Whatever the size of your woodland, whatever your degree of involvement in its management, we would be will be delighted to help you.
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Why Choose HW Forestry Ltd
We are a long established independent company offering a full range of forestry, woodland creation and ecological services across Wales. We can help manage your woodlands, harvest and sell your timber, restock or plant new woodland. We can also help with ecological surveys and monitoring and help you gain access to grants that may be available to help achieve your project.

Please get in touch if you would like to meet us to discuss your plans.
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How Else Can We Help?

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